
Click Here to read over 500 Testimonies of LIVES CHANGED at this most remarkable FIVE DAY Weekend Marriage Intensive! You too, like us, can have an OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY MARRIAGE!

Welcome to an Exciting World of MARRIAGE MIRACLES!
You are about to discover over 500 Marriage Testimonies!

God has been busy at work for the last few years bringing MIRACLES to marriages!  LITTLE did we realize what God was going to do!  In 2004, we felt that God said, “Write a book, share your story and share what I have taught you about marriage.”

When we followed that prompting, we had no idea what would happen. The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His! was introduced first on-stage at the Houston Astrodome by Charles and Frances Hunter. It was to be their final public Healing Explosion.
The next month, the book debuted at the National Christian Counselors Association Convention in Orlando. The book sold quickly via recommendations from Pastors, Counselors and word of mouth among couples whose lives were being changed.
Everyone was getting miracles!
We have been in full time marriage ministry since that time. Over 20,000 copies of the now two books have been printed. They create miracles everywhere they are read.