Marriage Problems
We are Joel and Kathy Davisson, co-authors of The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His! and Book 2: Livin’ it and Lovin’ it! Together, we have been providing marriage help to people all over the world on a full time basis. That first book was written in 2004. Before that we lived 10 great years, preceded by 10 horrible years of marriage. How did we go from marriage misery to a WONDERFUL marriage? I, Joel, began listening to Kathy’s heart. In 1994, someone said to me that God has equipped every woman with a marriage manual in her heart. Most, if not all, marriage problems occur because men choose to ignore this gift that God has put into his wife’s heart. We men can be clueless on how to treat our wife. So guess what? God gave un an instruction manual! It is in our wife’s heart! The marriage manual in a wife’s heart is custom designed to instruct her husband on how to be the husband of her dreams!
When a man discovers that the answers to a happy marriage are in his wife’s heart, and when he begins to listen to her, he will have all the information he needs to have a happy wife, and to avert the majority of marriage problems that may occur. (Now, if we could just pull money out of a wife’s heart, ALL of our problems would be over!)
The goal of our first book is to encourage a man to turn his heart toward his wife. If he will become the Man of Her Dreams, then she will be able to become The Woman of His! It may sound trite, but it is true. If you want to have an outrageously happy marriage, you just need a wife who is willing to share her heart and a man who is willing to listen!
If you want to create a marriage problem just do what most men do! Most husbands in bad marriages are in bad marriages because they resist what their wives tell them, ignoring the marriage manual. Sadly, we men somehow got the idea that we knew how to have a happy marriage. Some men actually say, “If my wife would just do the marriage the way I want her to do it, we could be happy!” For this guy, if something is not his idea in a relationship, he will often resist, doing what he thinks is best for her instead of what she is asking him to do. Not only is this illogical, but it is the cause of most fighting in marriages today. If the husband is an expert manipulator like I was, they will then turn things around and blame their wives for these issues, acting as if something is wrong with her for not being happy.
One of the key concepts needed to avoid so many problems in marriage is to listen to your wife’s heart; use it as your own personal marriage manual. All of this and more is covered in our two books. You may request a free 120 page excerpt of the book from this page or at the home page – for immediate download! Start reading right away and reap the benefits!. We also offer a 24/7 marriage forum, personal counseling phone calls, weekend marriage intensives, nationwide group phone marriage mentoring and more!