Born again in a much deeper, more real way.

Hi Joel and Kathy,

Good things are happening around here! My husband and I were both surprised at how difficult it has been for him to hear my heart.

There was much more hurt in there than my husband had anticipated. He kind of thought, ” Oh, this will be a piece of cake”.

My husband shares that he feels as though he has been born again. Everything in his Christianity is becoming new. Some day I hope he tells you about it. I want him to share with you. (Note from Joel: We often tell men that they have to “really” get born again.. that their born-again experience stopped at the outside of their front door! I felt like Bess”s husband.. that I had gotten totally born again – but it was not until 18 years after I asked Jesus into my heart!)

As for me, I keep asking him, “Is this real, do you mean it?”

Just last night as he was giving me a back message I began to tear up. I told him that his touch was bringing healing to my heart.

Also, it is a little difficult for me to realize that I was not wrong all these years. My desires for our marriage and for how to serve the Lord were not wrong. This brings so much hope to me and to my husband.

Some day, we will have a ministry. Praise God! Joel and Kathy, you are bearing good fruit with this ministry and message that the Lord has given to you to give.

God bless and love in Christ,

Bess (and Norm)

P.S. That Pastor”s wives” web site was so sad. I can”t even read it. My husband has been reading to see just how much damage that Christian men are doing to their wives and to learn the hurts that are in Christian women. He wants to understand to never hurt me again. (Note from Joel and Kathy: What a smart husband!)