These Weekend Marriage Intensives are designed for marriages in crisis. Divorces are often cancelled and couples who have literally hated each other have received astounding miracles of heart transformation at their Weekend Marriage Intensive. We are thrilled that couples are saved from divorce, HOWEVER…
…we are NOT satisfied it you simply “stay together” as a result of this Weekend; that is NOT our goal!
Our goal is for you to experience the HAPPINESS and JOY that God planned for you to experience when he created the concept of marriage! Marriage is NOT supposed to be a test in endurance. Marriage is God’s #1 means of giving us a taste of heaven on earth, when it is done right!
If you will DECIDE that you WILL NOT be satisfied until you are experiencing the happiest marriage that you know of, then we will stick with you through these easy to access follow up opportunities until you are experiencing an OUTRAGEOUSLY HAPPY Marriage!
If this weekend and the follow up does not work for you – then NOTHING will. This is the Fork in the Road. If you have tried EVERYTHING else and nothing has worked – this will work for you you. If it doesn’t, then at least you will know that you did everything possible.