A-2 The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!

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A-2 The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!

2 Reviews
A-2  The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!
A-2  The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!

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A-2 The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!

Model Number: Book-1
Authors: Joel and Kathy Davisson

Rebuild Your Marriage, Recover From Adultery and Abuse, and Enhance any Marriage Using the Life Changing Principles that God Taught us. These Principles Which Have Given Us an Outrageously Happy Marriage will Teach You How to Experience One Also!
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2 Reviews for A-2 The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!

  • What we need to know, but may not have been taught - Sunday, March 12, 2023
    A great book that provides wise principles for a great marriage. I recommend you read it through, then read it a second time. Write down the numerous key principles and review them periodically. Those principles, internalized and applied to yourself, will result in a changed person, you, and a great marriage. Be open to learn, to change and you will be blessed.
  • Christian based easy read - Monday, July 29, 2019
    I found this book at the end of my 2nd marriage. I had my 3rd husband read it before we got real serious and was surprised that he agreed with it. He has lived up to his end and I finally have the Outrageously Happy Marriage I've always dreamed of. We are rereading the books now, as a refresher. If you haven't ordered yours yet, I highly recommend getting both books. You won't regret it!!
    Joel and Kathy, you'll remember me as the wife of that other Joel. 🙂
    Happy I am now !!!!!
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