A-5 Book 1 & 2 – Combo

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A-5 Book 1 & 2 - Combo

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A-5  Book 1 & 2 - Combo
A-5  Book 1 & 2 - Combo

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A-5 Book 1 & 2 - Combo

Model Number: 9538775
This is a simple "one click" way to order one copy of each book, "The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!" and "Livin' it and Lovin' it!" There is a $3 discount on shipping by ordering with one click.rience One Also!

Authors: Joel and Kathy Davisson
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Your Price: $34.00
A one-time price of $34.00 will be added to your order.
928 Left in Stock
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The shipping on two books is normally $6.00. When you order one click, the shipping is only $ 3.00
If you need to order two copies of each book, simply put two of this bundle into your cart.

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